Writers Block

IndiBlogger - Where Indian Blogs MeetI saw this badge on the Indiblogger network and I found it very true.

The problem with most bloggers (including moi) is that; We have the presence of mind, but there’s always the absence of thought.

Generating ideas is not easy, putting it to paper or a blog is even more difficult.

Suddenly you are reminded of school days when you could write an essay on topics like “A day in the life of a Bus stop” to writing news paper articles on fictional events.

Writing can be difficult but what exacerbates the situation is when you are out of touch with reading. School was all about reading, learning and applying your comprehension skills in a 3 hour exam.

I have a ton of books which I plan to finish reading. I guess I will have to FEED MYSELF in order to Feed my Blog.


  1. littleindian  

    December 10, 2008 at 4:49 PM

    I backtracked here from Indiblogger.

    I have started a webring for bloggers who wants to voive their concerns and thoughts. This is a way of linking blogs in a never ending chain. My own little effort hoping it may be of some worth to the wider cause.


    I love my India - I am looking for bloggers who shares the same passion.

    I am an amateur web designer, and like all my projects this will always remain free to use. No spam, no ads.

    Would you like to join, it is very easy -

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